Clery Compliance and Crime Reporting

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act) requires colleges and universities to disclose certain information about campus crime in a matter that is timely and annual. In accordance with the Clery Act, Carroll University is making information available regarding campus security policies and procedures, as well as crime statistics reported to law enforcement agencies for the area where Carroll University is located.

Daily Crime Log

The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to keep a daily crime log. The purpose of this log is to provide criminal or alleged criminal activity that is reported to the University and surrounding areas. This log includes incident classification, report number, reported date and time, occurrence date and time, location of incident and disposition; it does not include any identifying information about persons involved in an incident.
Public Safety maintains a 60-day event log, updated daily, to remain transparent and keep the general public informed about campus crimes and calls our officers respond to. A copy of the 60-day log can be viewed online, or in person during normal business hours.

View Daily Crime Log

Annual Security and Fire Report

Colleges and universities that participate in federal student financial assistance programs must publish an Annual Security Report each year by October 1st. (Note that the 2020 reporting deadline was extended to December 31st.)
The Annual Security Report includes statistics for the most recent three-year period concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Carroll University, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The Annual Security Report also includes institutional policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other safety and security matters. Public Safety is responsible for the collection and reporting of these crime statistics.
A hard copy of the University's Annual Security Report(s) is available upon request from Public Safety by emailing or by calling 262-524-7300.

View Annual Security and Fire Report


Clery Training

Any employee designated as a CSA is required to complete annual training. Training is coordinated by the Compliance Office online through Vector Solutions. For questions on the training or enrollment or to request a Clery training, contact the Compliance Office at (262) 524-7372or


If you have any additional questions, please contact Public Safety at or 262.524.7300
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